Individual Donors

Thank you for considering a contribution to the Boys & Girls Club of Manchester. There are many ways you can make a difference in the lives of Manchester’s youth. Whether you are looking for a single or ongoing financial contribution or incorporating us into your estate plans, we would be happy to work with you. Please see the various ways in which you can help the Boys & Girls Club of Manchester. 

"For as much as I've done or might be able to do for the Boys & Girls Club, it will never come close to what the Club has done for me"

"It is a place where [kids] are encouraged to develop their skills and learn about being a good community citizen. When we invest in the Club, we are investing in ourselves, our children, our community, and our future."


Your monthly commitment to the Boys & Girls Club of Manchester is a great way to spread your generosity and support of Manchester’s youth. Monthly donations ensure kids have access to meals, mentors, and meaningful programs for the years to come. Start your recurring monthly donation today! 


Through matching gift contributions, your employer can multiply your donation to the Boys & Girls Club of Manchester, making it go even further. If you are interested in doubling your contribution: 

Obtain a matching gift form from your employer. 

Fill in the employee section of the form and send it along with your donation to:

The Boys & Girls Club of Manchester
C/O Hashira Rodriguez
555 Union Street Manchester, NH 03104

If you have already made your contribution, simply complete the form, and email it to our Director of Development, Hashira Rodriguez at 

Legacy giving is a powerful way to leave a lasting impact on a cause that you care about deeply. By joining The Heritage Club, you have the chance to create a legacy that will live on for generations, providing support and opportunity for countless children in the Greater Manchester community.

Become a Heritage Club Member by including the Boys & Girls Club of Manchester in your estate plans. By doing this you are sending a powerful message that our community’s youth will benefit from the Club’s programs and services for generations.

  • Current Gift of Appreciated Stock or Real Estate
  • Bequest: The simple way to leave a substantial gift
  • Life Insurance: A large gift with a small cost
  • Charitable Trust: Substantial benefits to the donor
  • Charitable Gift Annuity: A guaranteed income stream for life

If you are looking to incorporate the Boys & Girls Club of Manchester into your estate plan, please contact our Chief Executive Officer, Diane Fitzpatrick at for more information.


Make a difference with a donor-advised fund today. The Boys & Girls Club of Manchester welcomes all donations and will work with you to ensure your funds are going to where you’d like.

If you are interested in making a donation through a donor-advised fund, please contact our Chief Executive Officer, Diane Fitzpatrick at for more information. 


All endowments go towards our Club’s general operating budget unless specified by the donor.  

Is there something specific to the Club that you are passionate about? Whether it’s STEAM learning, the arts, fitness, or something else entirely, we are happy to help turn your passion into reality for the future of the Club.

Gifts of $10,000 or more allow you to establish a new endowment fund and give you exclusive naming rights for it. We invite you to contact our Chief Executive Officer, Diane Fitzpatrick at to help discuss your vision for the Club endowment.