Child Safety

At the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Manchester, child safety is our number one priority. Ensuring child safety is fundamental to the mission of the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. 

Child Safety at BGCGM

The safety and well-being of our community’s youth have been and always will be our top priority. Youth who are mentally and physically safe is better able to learn, grow, and thrive. We work hard every day to ensure that our Club is a safe and fun environment so that kids can have every opportunity to be successful. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Manchester follows comprehensive safety policies to protect Manchester’s youth, including Supervision, transportation communication, and prohibiting private one-on-one contact. 

All Boys & Girls Clubs have a ZERO-tolerance policy for inappropriate behavior of any kind, including child sexual abuse or misconduct. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Manchester continually updates robust safety policies and actions for our staff and volunteers that are designed to promote child safety within the Club. 

child safety cpr

The Boys & Girls Clubs of America have advocated for the passage of the U.S. PROTECT ACT, which improved background screening systems and access, and is proud to partner with the following organizations to contribute to the development of safety that benefits ALL youth-serving organizations. 

Youth-Centered Club Experience

Club professionals’ practice ensuring safety, well-being, equity, and inclusion are essential for creating a youth-centered Club experience. 

Club youth demonstrate leadership traits and behaviors

I try to help when I see others in need.
I can stand up for what I think is right.
When goals are set, I take action to achieve them.
I feel equipped to organize a team of my peers to complete a project.

Club teens are less likely to vape compared to teens nationally.

Current vaping use in the past 30 days.

Nationally, 10th and 12th graders were three times as likely to have vaped in the past month compared to Club members in those grades. 


75% of Club members ages 12 to 17 from low-income families report receiving mostly As and Bs, compared to 67% of their peers nationally.

Club Members
Peers Nationally

Safety Policy and Actions

The Boys & Girls Clubs of America continuously works to enhance robust safety policies and actions for our staff and volunteers that are designed to promote child safety within the Club. Through our national Child & Club Safety Department we implement layers of safety policies and guidelines to keep our kids safe including: 

Mandatory Background Checks

Mandatory annual criminal background checks are required for all staff and volunteers. 

Mandatory Immediate Reporting

All Boys & Girls Club of Manchester staff and volunteers are mandatory reporters and are required to immediately report any suspected abuse or victimization to the appropriate authorities and the Boys & Girls Club of America within 24 hours. 

Mandatory Annual Safety Assessments

All Boys & Girls Clubs are required to complete a mandatory safety assessment to ensure safety.

Safety Trainings

All staff and volunteers are required to participate in a wide variety of child safety training conducted by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, the National Children’s Advocacy Center, and Praesidium.

Safety Committee

The Boys & Girls Club of Manchester has a dedicated safety committee to provide input and guidance on local policies and safety strategies. Priorities and initiatives of the safety committee include:

  • A complete update to the Clubs safety manual
  • An annual review of all Club safety policies
  • The installation of an active shooter alert system at the Union Street Clubhouse.

Mandatory Employee Reference

Any Boys & Girls Club employee looking to move locations MUST have a reference from the previous Club to be eligible for rehire.

State and Local Laws

We comply with federal, state, and local safety laws, including those impacting facilities and vehicles.

Safety Partnerships

The Boys & Girls Clubs of America work with leading experts and organizations in the areas of safety, security, and technology to develop state-of-the-art solutions for all Club locations.

Confidential, Toll-Free Child Safety Hotline (Praesidium) 866-607-SAFE (7233).